Storyline text and attempted translations from...

...copyright 1995 Square. Any images used are also from the game. Don't
go claiming them as your own or anything silly like that. This document is not
intended for any commercial purpose, real or imaginary. It exists primarily out of
curiosity about both the Japanese language and the changes between the
Japanese and English versions of the game. If you're interested in the game,
go out and buy it if you haven't already... a summary of what happens can't
compare to actually playing it. I still love the cooperate tech system...
Many thanks to the Novelist of the Chrono Trigger Novel Project for hosting this ad-free mirror!

Recent Updates
05 Sep 2009: More revisions, fixed up the formatting
on nearly every file, and changed mixed-caps (like "mixED")
words in Robo's speech to either all caps or all normal case to cut back
on the ugly. Some other terminology tweaks: 海底神殿 from the bland
"Ocean Floor Temple" to the more evocative "Abyssal
Temple", Frog's やろう from the overused "bastard"
to the more distinctive "lowlife", Magus's きさま similarly from
"bastard" to the more fitting "vermin". I can totally
picture him sneering that. Anyway. Added alternate dialog possibilities
to Crono's trial and the main ending. Added a bunch of missing NA
version text. Added "spoiler masks" to general information
And since I finally remembered to update the mirror for apparently
the first time since February 2007 (yeesh!), the following three older
updates are now here for the first time:
(07 Jun 2008): Fixed some typos, one of which caused
a mistranslation. Magus says 他の者達 (others) when confronted, not 地の者達
(people of the earth).
(30 Dec 2007): I'm pretty much in the same situation as
the last update as far as not knowing what changed, but at least this time I can
say with certainty that I've added the terminology chart I was using to help with
consistency during translation. I don't really know why I hadn't already done
that, but...
(09 Jul 2007): To be perfectly honest, I'm not really sure
what's changed since the last update. That's what I get for not updating for months
at a time and not keeping track. But SOMETHING's different, even if it's just
formatting.... (汗
26 Feb 2007: I was going to hold off on updating until after finishing the script
revision, but as I was browsing through earlier work by other translators posted on
the Compendium forums, one of the chapter names caught my attention, and a
rechecking revealed that I made a typo back when I first got the name for chapter
3 (in my defense, I wasn't yet using script dumps then... sigh). It's the PRINCESS
(王女) who's vanished, NOT the Queen (王妃)! Maybe I was paying more attention
to the NA version than the actual text? How embarrassing...! Other chapter names
are also revised, since I figured, hey, why not?
I've also figured out a clever way to make my text indent after the first line,
as much of the dialog in the game does, using css. Unfortunately, I have to add
approriate tags to mark where I want the effect, and since it doesn't belong
everywhere, I can't automate it, so it's going to be a while before that reaches
every page. Especially since I have other priorities. It looks pretty nice where
I have added it, though (try chapter 6).
18 Nov 2006: Even more revisions and subdivision.
Revisions are directly linked to my progress on the Chrono Compendium's
retranslation project, which is coming along fairly well...
18 Jul 2006: Mirror up! Yay!
23 May 2006: Some more revision and more
subdivision. With any luck I'll have the main storyline finished soon (hah).
19 Mar 2006: I've divided up the storyline into smaller
pieces based on the 'chapter' names that the game puts on save files. As an
added bonus, I've also added a page listing location and enemy names.
28 Dec 2005: Only minor updates this time... mostly
correcting a few typos and changing the translation of 王国騎士団 to 'Royal
Earlier: Older changes not logged. :(
[hide older news]
Chapter 1: Setting Out! The Dreamy Millenial Festival
Chapter 2: The Queen who Returned
Chapter 3: The Princess who Vanished
Chapter 4: I'm Home!
Chapter 5: Kingdom Trial
Chapter 6: Across the Ruins....
Chapter 7: Factory Ruins in the Country of Mystery
Chapter 8: The Farthest Reaches of Time
Chapter 9: People of the Demon Village
Chapter 10: Appeared: The Legendary Hero
Chapter 11: Tarta and Frog
Chapter 12: Red Stone, Rare Stone
Chapter 13: Footprints! Track!!
Chapter 14: Fight! Grandleon
Chapter 15: Decisive Battle! Magus Castle!!
Chapter 16: Before You Know It, Primeval
Chapter 17: Law of the Earth
Chapter 18: Kingdom of Magic: Zeal
Chapter 19: Release the Seal, Call Forth a Storm
Chapter 20: The Philosopher on Grief Mountain
Chapter 21: That Which Awaits in the Sky
Chapter 22: The Call of Lavos
Chapter 23: The Ancient Era's New King
Chapter 24: The Egg of Time
Chapter 26: At the End of the Planet's Dream
The Endings (about 10% complete)
Non-Story Information and Translations
Items and Equipment
Character Techniques
Location Names
Enemy Names
Various Notes
comments, corrections, suggestions, etc.