Contents | |||
Main Ending | ...conclusion with Sylbird | ...conclusion without Sylbird | |
"Girl Talk" ending | (others pending) | ||
... |
Main Ending | |||
Availablity: Any time after reviving Crono. This is the primary ending to the game. There are many variations depending on what else has happened, most notably whether or not you crashed the Sylbird into Lavos.... Note that this is based on what the ending is like if all sidequests have been cleared successfully (well, actually, I forgot to free the real chancellor, but I'm not sure that matters). There are many small variations depending on what did or didn't happen earlier. Everything is dark. The sound of a bell (a large one like in a bell tower, not an alarm) is heard. |
「クロノ…… クロノ! クロノ!!! |
"Crono.... |
Crono... Crono! Crono!!! |
Fade in to reveal a bedroom. A soldier stands next to Crono's bed, where Crono is sleeping. Morning Sunlight starts to play, but quickly fades out. |
兵士「いつまでねてるつもりだ! いいかげんに起きろ!! |
Soldier: How long do you expect to sleep! |
SOLDIER: It's time to rise and shine! |
The soldier walks over to the window and opens the curtains. Crono squirms in bed. |
兵士「しっこうゆうよは終わりだ。 せいしきに刑をしっこうする。 城へ同行しろ。 |
Soldier: Your suspended sentence is up. |
SOLDIER: Your stay of execution has |
Crono walks into the throne room and kneels before the king. Magus Castle plays. |
王「さんざん探したよ。 クロノ君。 私の娘を引っぱり回して。 |
King: I've been looking for you, Crono-kun. |
KING: We've been looking for you, |
Marle runs into the room. |
Rainbow-Color Shell sidequest not complete (probably). |
マール「父上やめて! | Marle: Father, stop it! | Marle: Father! |
Rainbow-Color Shell sidequest complete (probably). |
マール「パパやめて! | Marle: Daddy, stop it! | Marle: Daddy, don't! | |
マール「クロノは何もしてないわ! | Marle: Crono hasn't done anything! | Marle: Crono hasn't done a |
王「クロノが何もしていないと 娘は言っておるが…… |
King: My daughter says Crono hasn't |
KING: She says Crono has been a |
Ow, you're missing the point. When he says "hasn't done anything," he means it quite literally. The "perfect gentleman" bit is simply wrong here. |
Rainbow-Color Shell sidequest not complete (probably). |
The king gets up and walks over to Pierre, who stands nearby. |
王「ピエール、君もそう思うか? | King: Pierre, do you think so as well? | KING: Pierre, what do you think? | |
ピエール「いいえ。 クロノ達は国の一大事に かかわる事をしました。 |
Pierre: No. |
PIERRE: I think Crono's been |
マール「ピエールまで何を言うの? | Marle: Pierre, what are you saying? | Marle: And just WHAT are you |
Rainbow-Color Shell sidequest complete (probably). |
The king gets up and walks over to the chancellor, who stands nearby. |
王「大臣もそう思うか? | King: Chancellor, do you think so as well? | KING: What do you think, Chancellor? | |
大臣「いいえ。 クロノ達は国の一大事に かかわる事をしました。 |
Chancellor: No. |
CHANCELLOR: Crono's deeds have |
マール「大臣まで何を言うの? | Marle: Chancellor, what are you saying? | Marle: Chancellor, how could you?! | |
How did such nearly identical sets of lines come out so different in the NA version? |
マール「話せばわかるわ! 私が今まで城を出ていたのには わけがあるの…… 実は…… |
Marle: You'll understand if we talk! |
Marle: Please! |
王「未来を救ったのだろう? | King: You saved the future, right? | KING: the future, right? | |
マール「へ? | Marle: Huh? | Marle: Huh?? | |
Fanfare 1 plays, and Don walks down the stairs. |
ドン「未来を救い、われわれに元気の意味を 教えてくれた……。 |
Don: They saved the future and taught |
DOAN: You saved the future, and gave |
King Guardia of the Middle Ages walks down the other stairs. |
ガルディア21世「魔王軍を 倒してくれた。 王国歴600年の世界にふたたび 平和がおとずれた。 |
Guardia XXI: They defeated Magus's army. |
KING GUARDIA: You fought Magus's |
Kino walks down the stairs. |
キーノ「クロ達 恐竜人 倒した! | Kino: Cros beat Dinomen! | KINO: Crono beat Reptites! | |
マール「ど、どうしたの? みんな | Marle: Wh, what? Why's everyone.... | Marle: Wh, what's going on here? | |
Lucca steps out from behind the throne and lifts the Gate Holder. |
マール「ルッカ…… 連れて来たのね? |
Marle: Lucca.... |
Marle: Lucca! |
ガルディア33世「お前達が 大きな使命をせおっていたこと……。 歴代のガルディア王家の血を引く者達が すべて話して下さった。 |
Guardia XXXIII: About the great mission |
KING GUARDIA: Our kinsmen told me all |
マール「ガルディアの血……って みんな、私の先祖や子孫なの? |
Marle: Guardia's bloodline... so they're |
Marle: Kinsmen?! |
王「平和ボケして自分の事しか考えて いなかった自分が情けない。 国のため……、この星のためを 考えなくてはならない時に。 |
King: I'm ashamed that I was so blinded |
KING: Here I was fussing about my |
"Peace-senile" is perhaps a more literal translation. The king lifts Crono to his feet. |
王「さあ! 戦勝パレードじゃ! 世界を救ったヒーローを しゅくふくじゃ! |
King: Now! A victory parade! |
KING: Now, for a true victory parade! |
I don't remember ever seeing the following lines used. Maybe it's an alternate ending or a variation, or maybe they just got cut. |
大臣「し、しかし王様、戦勝って? 我々は戦などなにも…… |
Chancellor: B, but your majesty, victory? |
CHANCELLOR: B, but your majesty, what |
ガルディア33世「お前には子供はおるか? | Guardia XXXIII: Do you have any children? | KING GUARDIA: Do you have any |
大臣「は、はい。 | Chancellor: Y, yes. | CHANCELLOR: Y, yes, of course. | |
ガルディア33世「なら、お前もいわえ。 お前の子供の子供の…… そのまたうにゃむにゃ…… ……の子供が、きっとしあわせに なれるだろうからな! |
Guardia XXXIII: Then you celebrate too. |
KING GUARDIA: Then our victory is their |
大臣「いたたた……! | Chancellor: Ow, ow, ow...! | CHANCELLOR: Ow, oww! | |
ガルディア21世「本物じゃ。 | Guardia XXI: He's the real thing. | KING GUARDIA XXI: Yes, he's real. | |
ガルディア33世「さ、マールよ。 思いっきり千年祭最後の夜を 楽しんで来い! |
Guardia XXXIII: Now, Marle. |
KING GUARDIA: Now Marle, go out |
Change scene to the festival grounds, at night. A goblin enters, followed by two dancers, then there's some lighting effects and Marle and Crono arrive. |
さあ! 未来を救ったクロノと | Now! Best wishes for Crono, who saved the future, | Come along with Crono, our Hero. | |
無事お城に帰ってきたマールディア王女と そしてガルディアのますますのはってんを 願って…… |
Best wishes for Princess Marledia, safely returned to the castle, and for Guardia's continued growth.... |
Princess Nadia is finally home! At last, Guardia is back to normal! |
3-15 星の祝祭 (Planet's Blessing) starts playing. |
イッツァ ムーンライトパレード! | It's a Moonlight Parade! | It's a moonlight parade! | |
More special effects. Adoring little girls pop out of nowhere, balloons fly off, and lights light up everywhere. Marle and Crono make a full circuit of the track before the player regains control, with Marle leading Crono around. And since it's the ending and I'm feeling like it, here's what everyone you can talk to says: |
王女様きれいだな…… や、当然君もだよ。 |
The princess is beautiful.... Oh, but you are too, of course. |
The princess is gorgeous! Don't get me wrong, of course you are too. |
とってもファンタスティック! | It's really fantastic! | This is fantastic! | |
ジナ「あなたが未来を救ったなんてね……。 信じられないわ。 でもね。 お母さんはお前にもっと家にいて はしいよ。 |
Gina: To think you saved the future.... |
MOM: YOU saved us all?! |
……ネコのめんどう見る人が いなくて大変なんだから。 |'s a real pain when the person who looks after the cat isn't around. |
It's a real problem when the person who's in charge of the cat is gone! |
ボッシュ「もう刀などいらない時代が 来たかもしれんな。 刀かじボッシュとしての役目は終わって しまうが、この星空を見ていると そんな事はどうでもよくなって しまうわい。 |
Bosch: An era may have come that |
MELCHIOR: Not much business in |
タバン「いやー 祭りで飲む酒はうめーぜ! |
Taban: Aah, the sake's great |
TABAN: Yum! |
タバン「クロノよ。 お前もいっぱいやりなよ。 今日はヒーローなんだからよ! |
Taban: Crono. |
TABAN: Crono, have a sip! |
Forest sidequest incomplete or Lara's legs not saved: |
ララ「こんなすてきな夜を すごせるなんて……。 あなた、ありがとう。 |
Lara: I never thought we could spend |
LARA: What a dreamy night... |
Forest sidequest complete and Lara's legs saved: |
ララ「あんた。 すわって飲んでばかりいないで。 私達もいっしょに踊りましょう! |
Lara: Honey. |
LARA: Honey, don't just be a sack of |
ララ「ああ! クロノくん。 王様から聞いたわよ。未来を救った事。 ルッカのおさななじみが そんなすごい事をする人だったなんて。 なんかじまんしちゃいたい気分だわ。 |
Lara: Ah! Crono-kun. |
LARA: Crono, the King says YOU |
In the northern part of the square, Lucca beckons, then runs off toward the Gate. Everyone is gathered there. |
ルッカ「もうみんな……お別れなのよ。 | Lucca: Well, everyone... this is goodbye. | Lucca: Well everyone, this is it. | |
The music fades out. |
カエル「みな、それぞれの時代へ。 | Frog: Everyone, to your respective eras. | Frog: Each to thine time. | |
ロボ「ラヴォスが死に ゲートの力が弱まってイマス。 |
Robo: Lavos is dead, and the power |
Robo: The Gate has grown weak... | |
ルッカ「ゲートが閉じる前に さよならを言わなきゃ。 |
Lucca: We have to say goodbye |
Lucca: We've got to say our |
3-16 エピローグ~親しき仲間へ~ (Epilog ~To Close Companions~), an extended version of Crono and Marle ~Distant Promise~, plays. |
マール「そんな、みんな行っちゃうの? | Marle: No way, everyone's leaving? | Marle: You're all leaving? | |
Kino arrives, and Ayla steps up. |
エイラ「クロ 強かった! マールも 強かった! エイラ 楽しかった!! |
Ayla: Cro was strong! |
Ayla: Crono was strong! |
Marle walks up to Kino. |
マール「遠い遠い おじいちゃま。 元気な子供を生んでね。 じゃないと私がこまっちゃうから |
Marle: You're my distant |
Marle: You're my distant ancestor. |
~ちゃま (-chama) is a childish cross between the familiar -chan and the respectful -sama. |
キーノ「へへ…… だいじょうぶ! エイラ 元気!! |
Kino: Heheh.... |
KINO: Heh, heh! |
マール「そうね!! | Marle: She sure is!! | Marle: Right! | |
Then, perhaps realizing exactly what he said and what it implies, she stops and blinks a few times. |
マール「……って? 何それ?? どういう事? |
Marle: ...huh? |
Marle: Hey...what do you mean by |
エイラ「キーノ バカ!! さ エイラ達 行く! |
Ayla: Kino dummy!! |
Ayla: Kino dummie! We go now! |
Ayla shoves Kino into the Gate, turns around to blow a kiss, and jumps in herself. Next, Frog steps forth and King Guardia XXI walks up. |
カエル「にぎやかな連中だな。 自分の先祖かもしれないと思うと ほっといてもいられないがな……。 さあ王様、リーネ様がお待ちです。 私達も帰りましょう。 |
Frog: They're a lively bunch. |
Frog: 'Tis a feisty crowd! |
Frog's line made a lot more sense to me once I realized he was talking about Kino and Ayla. The king leaves through the Gate. Frog starts to follow, but Marle stops him at the last second. |
マール「カエルさん…… | Marle: Frog-san.... | Marle: Mr. Frog... | |
カエル「…… 別れに多くの言葉はいらないさ。 |
Frog: ...... |
Frog: ... |
マール「そう。 言葉とはかぎらないわ。 |
Marle: Right. |
Marle: Right! |
She leans in and kisses his cheek. Frog is shocked. Lucca cracks up. |
ルッカ「良かったわね。 王女様のキッスで姿がもとにもどるって いうのがハッピーエンドの定番よ。 |
Lucca: Good for you. |
Lucca: Yeah. Don't these things end |
Frog recovers from his amazement, chuckles briefly, and hops through the Gate. Marle giggles. |
Magus approaches the Gate next. Obviously, this only happens if the party recruited him earlier. |
マール「サラを探すの……? | Marle: You're searching for Sara...? | Marle:'re going to search |
Magus passes through the Gate without saying a word. |
Next, Robo steps up and Don arrives. |
ロボ「ルッカ ワタシも未来で元気にやっていきマス。 |
Robo: Lucca, |
Robo: Lucca, I will miss you. | |
マール「どうしたの。 ルッカ? ロボにお別れは…… |
Marle: What's wrong, Lucca? |
Marle: What's wrong Lucca? |
ロボ「ヤハリ気づいてたのデスネ。 | Robo: She HAS INDEED realized. | Robo: She knows. | |
マール「何のこと? | Marle: What? | Marle: Knows...what? | |
ルッカ「…… ロボは廃墟となった未来で 生まれたわ……。 でも私達がラヴォスを倒した事に よって未来は明るくなるはず。 つまり新しい未来では ロボの存在は…… |
Lucca: ...... |
Lucca: ...... |
ロボ「ハハ、そんなことないデス。 きっと新しい未来でもワタシは…… |
Robo: Haha, DO NOT be silly. |
Robo: Ha ha. |
ルッカ「ロボのバカ バカ! 悲しい時はすなおに悲しむのよ!! こっちがよけい悲しく なっちゃうじゃない!! |
Lucca: Robo, you big dummy! |
Lucca: Darn it, Robo! |
ロボ「…… そんな思いやりの気持ちを 教えてくれたのもルッカデス。 とてもカンシャしてイマス。 |
Robo: ...... |
Robo: ...... |
マール「なみだは似合わないわ。 ルッカ……! 新しい未来でも、ロボはきっと 生まれて来るわ。 |
Marle: Tears don't suit you. |
Marle: Tears don't become you, |
Don walks through the Gate. Robo gets up and prepares to leave. |
ロボ「サヨウ……ナラ。 | Robo: GOOD... BYE. | Robo: Good...bye. | |
Robo walks toward the Gate, but his heading is off and he bumps into the Telepod. |
ロボ「おっと オイルでアイセンサーがかすんで…… |
Robo: Oops, my eye sensors |
Robo: Caution! |
Marle giggles, then goes to help Lucca to her feet. Robo makes it through the Gate this time. |
Forest sidequest not cleared gets you this, I think. |
マール「これでもと通りね。 | Marle: Things are back to normal now. | Marle: I guess this wraps things up. | |
Forest sidequest cleared (meaning the "entity talk" happened). |
ルッカ「いつかした話 おぼえてる? |
Lucca: Do you remember the talk |
Lucca: Do you remember that talk |
マール「ええ 死ぬ時に見る思い出の話……。 |
Marle: Yeah, about how you see your |
Marle: You mean about whether |
ルッカ「もうその人は 助かったみたいね。 |
Lucca: It looks as though that person |
Lucca: Yeah. I get the feeling that |
マール「うん。 私も感じる。 その人のいぶきを……。 |
Marle: Yeah. |
Marle: Yes, I feel that too... | |
More text that I'm not sure whether it's ever used or not. Maybe if you don't clear the Forest sidequest. |
ルッカ「ゲートはラヴォスの力で 生まれたものと思っていたけど…… 今思うと違ってたのかもね。 |
Lucca: We thought the Gates were |
Lucca: I thought Lavos made the |
マール「どういう事? | Marle: What do you mean? | Marle: What do you mean? | |
ルッカ「もっと違う…… あたたかく大きな存在が いろんな時代を私達に 見せたかったんじゃないかな。 |
Lucca: I wonder if another... |
Lucca: I think a greater force |
マール「時間を旅するなんて…… にが重すぎるね。 |
Marle: Travelling time.... |
Marle: Time |
The music fades out. |
...conclusion with Sylbird | ...conclusion without Sylbird | |
Main Ending, Conlusion with Sylbird Intact | |||
ルッカ「シルバードも壊した方が 良さそうね。 もう、みんなと会えなくなるけど……。 |
Lucca: I suupose we'd better |
Lucca: We should dismantle the |
Just then, a cat (or cats if Crono got any more) runs by. Cheerful Spekkio starts playing as Gina shows up chasing it or them. |
ジナ「これこれ、もどってきなさい。 | Gina: Hey, hey, get back here. | MOM: You naughty thing, come back |
ジナ「ほら、クロノ。 あなたがエサをきらしたもんだから みんな逃げ出しちゃって……。 |
Gina: Crono, look. |
MOM: Look, Crono! |
Before anyone can respond, the cat(s) jump(s) into the Gate. Stupid cat(s). |
ジナ「あ!これ! | Gina: Ah! Hey! | MOM: Hey, come back here! | |
Gina follows the cat into the Gate, and to make things worse, it closes and disappears as soon as she goes through! |
マール「た、たいへん!! クロノ!! もうゲートは一生開かないわよ!! どうする? |
Marle: Oh, oh no!! |
Marle: Oh, great! |
Crono blinks a few times as if thinking, then does his "Ohh, yeah" pose.... |
ルッカ「そうね! 追いかけるしかないわね! |
Lucca: Right! |
Lucca: Well it looks like we have no |
マール「追いかけるって ゲートはもう…… |
Marle: Chase her down? |
Marle: Go after them?! | |
マール「まさかルッカ…… | Marle: Lucca, you can't mean.... | Marle: Lucca, don't turn off |
ルッカ「たーいむ マシーーン![]() あるじゃない! オーッホッホッホ! |
Lucca: Haven't we got a |
Lucca: I forgot! |
No, she didn't forget. If anything, Marle did. A soldier runs up. |
兵士「おっとマールディア様。 こんな所に。 王様がお呼びです。 |
Soldier: Oh, Marledia-sama. |
SOLDIER: Oh, Princess, the King asks for |
The soldier leaves, and Marle follows with Crono and Lucca behind her. The king is waiting by the bell hanger, which is currently empty. |
王「私はうれしいぞ。 もうお前が遠くに行くことも ないじゃろうからな。 |
King: I'm so glad. |
KING: I'm so happy! |
王「マールディアよ。この日を記ねんして 私からのプレゼントじゃ。 |
King: Marledia. A present from me |
KING: I have a gift for you, |
The King leaves down the stairs, then comes back carrying a large silver bell with a lot of balloons attached to it. |
王「ほーら。 かわいいじゃろ。 マールディアの鐘じゃ いい音がするぞ。 |
King: Behold. Isn't it lovely? |
KING: This is Nadia's Bell. |
The king pushes the bell to the mounting and lifts it into place. Crono and Lucca leave down the stairs. |
王「おいマールや……どこいった? ほれ……誰か……手伝ってくれ。 |
King: Hey, Marle... where did you go? |
KING: Marle...where did you go? |
マール「ありがとう…… でも私。 じっとしていられないの! |
Marle: Thanks.... |
Marle: Daddy... |
Marle giggles and runs after Crono and Lucca. The sound of the Sylbird blasting off is heard. 3-17 遥かなる時の彼方へ (To Beyond Times Far Distant) starts playing. Taban walks up with the Sun Stone. |
タバン「王様! 間に合いましたぜ! 一発ドカンと行きますかい!! |
Taban: Your majesty! |
TABAN: Phew! |
王「いや、タバン。 悪いが今はそれどころじゃ…… |
King: Uh, Taban. |
KING: Uh, no Taban. |
Taban hits the stone with his hammer, sending off a blast of energy that becomes fireworks. The credits start to roll as the fireworks continue. In a semi-3D night view of the Truce region, the Sylbird takes off and flies away. It continues over a vast land speckled with houses, lakes, forests, and mountains, with the camera angle moving around. The scene changes to show Robo and Atropos sitting together on a mountain, with the Sylbird flying by in the distance. The scene changes to show Ayla and Kino flying around on the Pterans, with the Sylbird flying by in the distance. The Pterans change course to fly by it. The scene changes to show King Guardia XXI and Queen Leene crossing Zenan Bridge, flanked by Frog and an escort of soldiers. Frog notices the Sylbird flying by in the distance and stops the troops so he can go the bridge's edge and watch. Queen Leene walks over to him as if to ask what's he's looking at. The scene changes to show Magus hovering over a landscape that looks like mostly frigid mountains and ocean. He flies off. The Sylbird, flying by in the background, suddenly jumps into high speed, presumably for a time jump. The scene changes to show the Sylbird cruising over the vast land again, with similar camera tricks. It gets darker until all that's visible on the ground are house lights. The scene changes, with the camera flying around a starfield for a little while before flying backwards past the planet where the game takes place. It stops far enough away to see the whole near side, but close enough to make out the major landmasses. As the credits and music wrap up, a shooting star flies by, and the words "The End" appear. Wait for a while and Crono and Marle ~Distant Promise~ starts playing. As this point, there's nothing to do but reset. If you cleared the Black Dream, a new option, つよくてニューゲーム (Strong New Game), or "New Game+", appears on the load screen. Choose it and select a file to start a new game, but with the levels, attributes, techniques, and most items from the file selected. Plot-related items and money do not carry over. Other than that it's nearly the same as starting from the beginning. The one other difference is something shiny on the right pad of Lucca's Telepod. Examine it, and a Gate (tinted oddly green) opens that jumps straight to the battle with Lavos's shell. Combined with the added strength and equipment from a previous playthrough, this makes it possible to beat Lavos at all kinds of strange times, and reach a vast multitude of bizarre alternate endings.... |
Main Ending, Conlusion with Sylbird Broken | |||
(pending) |
The Girl Talk Ending, in which Crono Shows Up and Says Something!! | |||
Availablity: Incredibly brief. Watch Schala open the sealed door to the throne room in Zeal (you don't actually have to attempt to open the door yourself, but you must watch her do so), then leave the palace and beat Lavos without first energizing the pendant. This is probably the least accurately translated ending in the NA version, partly because of censorship and the fact that most of the ending is Marle and Lucca chatting about guys, frequently in less-than-innocent language. Corridors of Time plays. The words "THE END" crash onto the screen. Marle runs in from the bottom. |
マール 「ええーっ! もう、終わっちゃうの……。 |
Marle: |
Marle: What! |
Lucca walks in from the bottom. |
ルッカ 「この言葉が出たら、たいがい終わりっ てことらしいわよ。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: That's what that word |
マール 「せっかく、これからだったのに。 |
Marle: |
Marle: But things were just |
ルッカ 「じゃあ、このエンドの文字、上げても らいましょう。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Well, come on folks, let's do |
マール 「上げろっ、上げろっ! はんせい会いってみましょーっ! |
Marle: |
ルッカ 「美術さん、おねがーい! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Okay! |
The words rise off the top of the screen. |
マール 「まずは、リーネ広場にズームイン! |
Marle: |
Marle: First, let's see a close up of |
The knight from the race betting minigame walks in from the right, and starts waving his sword around. |
ルッカ 「てっかめんランナーね。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: There's the Steel Runner. | |
マール 「あたし、こーゆうの苦手なんだよ! かたそうだし……。 |
Marle: |
Marle: I've never understood why anyone would want to run for 3 hours at a stretch... |
ルッカ 「走るだけじゃね……、あのヨロイは、 ハンディキャップなのにね。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Forget that! |
マール 「また今度ってとこね。バイバーイ! |
Marle: |
Marle: What a lovely thought, |
The knight walks off, and a soldier from A.D.1000 Guardia Castle walks in. |
ルッカ 「次はガルディア城、あんた家よ。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Next let's visit Guardia |
The soldier falls over and looks like he's hanging across a narrow crevice. |
マール 「へへっ、カッコいいのをそろえたわ! |
Marle: |
Marle: Goodness! |
ルッカ 「さすがね。私もうドキドキしちょう! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: But of course, my dear! | |
マール 「彼だけは、どっかんピストル使わな かったでしょ。 彼の名前がピーター。でも女なの。 |
Marle: |
Marle: I guess you never took a |
Lucca falls to her knees. |
ルッカ 「ぐらっ! 私、その気はないわよ!! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: RELAX, Marle!! | |
The soldier, still horizontal, leaves the screen. Pierre the lawyer walks in. |
マール 「ぎゃーっ!! ピエールよ! |
Marle: |
Marle: Hey! |
ルッカ 「ぜーったいダメ、こーゆータイプ。 もっと正しい裁判をするべきよ!! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Wouldn't want anything to |
Pierre runs off, and one of the half-lifeless men from the ruined future walks in. |
マール 「ほら、コンジョウがないわよね。 自分達でなんとかしよう!っていう 『元気』出してよ、『元気』!! |
Marle: |
Marle: Come on, Lucca! |
元気を出す (genki wo dasu) typically equates to "cheer up", but the "pep" meaning seems more appropriate. ...and the NA version line (along with the next one) appears to have been randomly generated... :-P |
ルッカ 「同じ立場だったら、こーなってるかも よ。『元気』出せーっ!! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Yeah, thanks PRINCESS. I'll take that under advisement!! |
マール 「たね。 育つといいね……。 |
Marle: |
Marle: There's the seed. |
No idea. Possibly wordplay on one of the many broader meanings of たね. The man walks off, and Johnny rolls in. |
ルッカ 「ジョニーか……。スピードに全てをか かる男か……。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Theeeeere's Johnny... |
マール 「はやいだけってのもね……。 |
Marle: |
Marle: Someone ought to tell him to |
ルッカ 「なーんだ、よく見ると三りんしゃよ! パス、パス! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Hey, check it out! |
マール 「勝とうなんて! 一万年早いわね。 |
Marle: |
Marle: Try again when you learn to |
Johnny rolls out, and Cyrus makes an entrance. |
ルッカ 「ちょーカッコつけ男っ、サイラス君! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: There's that stuffed-shirt, |
マール 「でも事実カッコいいから、まいっちゃ うんだな……。 |
Marle: |
Marle: He IS pretty handsome, |
ルッカ 「ファッションセンスがちょっとね。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: But WHERE does he buy his |
マール 「知ってた? まゆをかいてるらしいんだって。 |
Marle: |
Marle: Hey, did you hear? |
ルッカ 「うっそ! げーっ、きもちわりー! でも、勇かんだから許しちゃおっと! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: You've GOT to be joking! |
Cyrus leaves, and Toma walks in. |
マール 「トマちゃん。あたいのお気に入り! |
Marle: |
Marle: Hi, Toma! |
Marle is talking funny here, even for this ending. It sounds to me like she's mocking him. |
ルッカ 「ただの酒のみよ。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Aw, he's just a flake. | |
マール 「それに、女好きだったりして。 |
Marle: |
Marle: Probably has a dozen |
ルッカ 「ひょっとしたら男好きだったりして! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Actually, I see him as more |
They both laugh. Toma leaves, and Kino enters. |
マール 「あんたどう思う? このキーノっていうヤツ……。 |
Marle: |
Marle: What about him? |
ルッカ 「ナヨナヨ族ね。 ぜんぜんきょうみないわ。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Total Neanderthal! |
マール 「でも、いちずな所が、かわいいって感 じ。ウソだけど……。 |
Marle: |
Marle: But he's honest. |
ルッカ 「あるき方がキライ! 変だわっ!! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: He walks like a DUCK!! | |
Kino runs out. |
マール 「でもいいヤツだったよね。 |
Marle: |
Marle: Well, he'll never hurt anyone. | |
ルッカ 「とってもやさしいヤツだったよね。 |
Lucca: |
Lucca: He's really very gentle, isn't he? |
Crono runs in from the bottom. Brace yourself, because he's about to.... |
クロノ 「いったいどのあたりが 『はんせい会』なんだよ!? |
Crono: |
Crono: What ARE you two doing?! |
Marle and Lucca look startled. |
ルッカ 「クロノ!!! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Crono! | |
マール 「えへへへっ! |
Marle: |
Marle: So we got a little carried |
That's nervous/guilty laughter, in case you couldn't tell. |
ルッカ 「ねえ、次はどの時代へ行く!? |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Where do you want to go |
マール 「楽しいことがいっぱいの時代っ!! |
Marle: |
Marle: Some place fun!! | |
クロノ 「今! |
Crono: |
Crono: How about the "now"?! | |
ルッカ 「今って……? 今、この現代ってこと? |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Now, as in the present? | |
マール 「オッケー! 現代ね! |
Marle: |
Marle: Okay! |
Crono and Marle run off the top of the screen. |
ルッカ 「じゃあ、ゲートホルダーはもういらな いってことかなあ……? |
Lucca: |
Lucca: So I guess we don't need a |
ルッカ 「あっ! 待ってよーっ!! |
Lucca: |
Lucca: Hey! |
Lucca runs after the others. The music fades out, and "THE END" crashes back down. And it really is the end this time. |
Actually, there's a bit more text in the JP ROM only, but it doesn't acutally appear here (or anywhere else, as far as I know). |
だって。 バッカじゃないの? |
Well. Isn't that stupid? |
(absent) | |
クロノ 「いいかげんにしろよ!! |
Crono: Cut it out already!! |
ルッカ 「クロノ! だーいすき!! |
Lucca: Crono! I looove you!! |
マール 「あたしもっ! |
Marle: Me too! |
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