旅立ち!夢みる千年祭 | Setting Out! The Dreamy Millenial Festival | The Millenial Fair | ||
Opening | ||||
Before anything, the player picks a battle mode and names the main character. I'm using クロノ(Crono, or, if you prefer, Chrono), the default name. Then we get to the real opening... The camera pans by a seaside town. Sea gulls cry out, and balloons, loud noises, and other indications of festivities come from a park on the north side of town. The screen centers over one of the houses, then fades out. The sound of a bell (a large one like in a bell tower, not an alarm) is heard. |
「クロノ…… クロノ! クロノったら! |
"Crono.... |
Crono... Crono! Good morning, Crono! |
Fade in to reveal a bedroom. A woman stands next to a bed with someone sleeping in it, and a cat lies on the floor. 1-3 朝の日ざし (Morning Sunlight) plays. |
ジナ「いつまでねてるの? いいかげん起きなさい! |
Gina: How long are you sleeping? |
MOM: Come on, sleepy head! Get up! |
There's a bit of a difference between "Gina" and "MOM", isn't there.... "Jina" is equally valid if you prefer that spelling. Gina walks over to the window and opens the curtains. Crono squirms in bed. |
ジナ「ああ、リーネの鐘があんなに 気持ちよさそうに歌ってる。 どうせゆうべ、こうふんして ねつけなかったんでしょ? ま、建国千年のお祭りだから 無理ないけど…… あんまり調子に乗って ハシャぎすぎるんじゃないわよ! さ、いいかげん起きなさい! |
Gina: Ahh, Leene's Bell is |
MOM: Ah, Leene's Bell makes such beautiful music! You were so excited about the Millenial Fair that you didn't sleep well, did you...? I want you to behave yourself today! Let's get moving, now! |
Gina heads downstairs, and Crono finally gets out of bed. He has bright red spikey hair, green eyes, and wears a blue tunic, red footwear, and red armbands. He's also apparently psychic, since he never has any trouble communicating, even though he never actually speaks at any point in the game, with the exception of a single alternate ending. Actually, it's probably just so you can picture Crono as yourself, or something like that. Anyway, he heads downstairs too. 1-4 やすらぎの日々 (Tranquil Days) plays. The cat follows Crono around the room, for what it's worth. |
ジナ「やっと起きたのね。 そうそう、あの、おさななじみの 発明好きな子…… アラ、ドわすれしちゃったわ。 なんていったっけ、あの子? |
Gina: I see you finally got up. |
MOM: Finally! By the way, that inventor friend of yours... Uh...you know...! Oh, dear, I've forgotten her name! |
The original doesn't make any gender-specific reference, but it hardly matters, since you can tell by the miniportrait on the naming screen. Time to name Crono's friend. I'm going with the default again, ルッカ (Lucca) for her. Because English isn't entirely phonetic and often doesn't correspond exactly to Japanese sounds anyway, her name could as easily be "Lukka", "Rucca", or "Rukka", and "Luca", "Luka", etc. would work too. I go with "Lucca" because it looks better than most of the others, and I'm used to it from the US release. Incidentally, that 'u' is closest to an English long 'u', so her name sounds more like "Luke" than like "luck". |
ジナ「そう、ルッカ! ルッカの発明、見に行くんでしょ? あんまり、おそくならないようにね。 さ、行ってらっしゃい。 |
Gina: That's right, Lucca! |
MOM: That's right, Lucca! Don't forget that she invited you to see her new invention! Run along now, and be back before dinner. |
Crono leaves and heads to the festival. |
町長のやしき | Mayor's Manor | Mayor's Manor | ||
The mayor's manor has tutorial information for playing the game. Since you can easily skip this whole part, I'm marking it as optional. |
こんにちは。 この家の事聞きたい? この家の町長は、ぼうけん者が好きでね。 初心者にぼうけんのノウハウを 教えてくれるのよ。 それから、この家にある宝ばこは 町長がぼうけん者のためにって 置いてあるの。 えんりょしないで持って行ってね。 |
Hello. Would you like to hear about this house? The mayor in this house likes adventurers. He teaches beginners adventuring know-how. Also, the treasure boxes that are in this house, the mayor left for the sake of adventurers. Feel free to take them with you. |
Hi! Do you know about our establishment? This is the Mayor's Education Center. Think of it as a workshop for beginners! You can take the things you find here! |
I'm amazed at how much detail the NA version loses... |
武器や防具について 聞かせてあげましょうか? 武器といっても、色々なものがあるのよ。 刀とか、ゆみとか、けんじゅうとかね。 けど人にはとくい、ふとくいがあって その人に合った武器しか、使えないの。 防具には3つのしゅるいがあるわ。 頭につけるものと、体につけるものと それからアクセサリー。 防具も自分の体に合ったものしか 装備できないのよ。 それからアクセサリーには、特別な力が あるものが多いから色々と調べてみると いいわ。 それと、刀は力が上がれば攻撃力も 上がるけど、ゆみやけんじゅうは チョットちがうの。 必要なのは命中りつ、これが上がれば 強いダメージをあたえられるわ。 |
Shall I let you hear about weapons and armoring? We call them all weapons, but there are a variety of them. Like katanas, bows, and pistols. But everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and can't use any weapons but those suited to them. There are three types of armor. The ones you put on your head, the ones you put on your body, and accessories. You can't equip armor either except for the ones suited to your body. Next, in accessories, many of them have special powers, so you should try checking out a variety of them. Also, for katanas, if your power increases, your attack power also increases, but for bows and pistols, it's a LITTLE different. It's hit rate you need, and the more it increases, the stronger the damage you'll be able to inflict. |
Need a brief Weapons and Items seminar? Weapons include swords, bows, and guns. Some weapons can only be used by specific party members. You'll find a variety of armor for the head and body. Finally, there are numerous accessories with unique properties and effects. As you gain Power, swords will inflict greater damage. Bows and guns get more powerful as your Hit rate increases. |
メッセージが出てる間も、兄ちゃん達は 動き回れるんだぜ。 遠くはなれれば、声も聞こえなくなるよ。 |
You guys can move around even when there's a message up. If you get too far away, you won't be able to hear the voice. |
You can walk while reading messages. But go too far, and you can miss them! |
メッセージやバトル中のウインドウは Yボタンで上下に、いどうするのよ。 |
Move messages and the in-battle window up and down with the Y button. |
Use the Y Button to move the Message/Battle window up or down. |
この世の中には時の記憶がとどまる所が あるという。 そこでは危険にみちた場所でも 旅の記録をとる事が出来る。 それはレプリカさ。 もし本物を見かけたら 旅の記録を取ることをすすめるぜ。 なんせ危険な所ほど出現しやすいと いう話だからな。 おっと、それともう1つ! ワールドマップでは、どこでも旅の記録を とれる、わすれないでくれ。 |
It's said there are places in this world where time's memory abides. There, you can take a record of your journey, even in places full of danger. That's a replica. I suggest taking a record of your journey if you catch sight of the real thing. Anyhow, they say they appear more readily in more dangerous places. Oh, one more thing! On the world map, you can take a record of your journey anywhere, don't forget. |
Scattered throughout this world are places where you can save your game. Save whenever you can, especially in unfamiliar or dangerous areas! That's just a replica. Record your journey whenever you find the real McCoy! You'll find more of them in riskier areas. Also, remember that you can log in anywhere on the World Map! |
Referring to the NA version... First I'm not sure I've ever heard "real McCoy" used in actual conversation... it sounds corny. Second, I think that's a misuse of "log in". In any case, it would be better to use the same word for saving every time for consistency. |
お前さん『シェルター』のことは 知っているのかい? 『シェルター』はセーブポイントと ワールドマップで使用できるアウテムで HPもMPも全回復するんじゃよ。 べんりじゃの~。 |
Do you know about "Shelters"? Shelters are items you can use at save points and on the world map, and they fully recover both HP and MP. How convenient... |
Do you know about "Shelters?" They're quite useful! Use "Shelters" at Save Points, or on the World Map, to completely restore HP and MP. |
わしの話を聞きたいかの? ふむ、お前さんはそしつがありそうじゃの。 お前さんは戦いを続けていくうちに 『技』を身につける事が出来るじゃろう。 技とは、おのれの武器をつかった とくしゅな攻撃法じゃ。 これは、おのれのたんれんでのみ身につく。 日々これ精進じゃ。 ほっほっほっ。 熱心なわかものじゃの! よし、わしからのプレゼントじゃ。 これで装備でもととのえるとよかろう。 |
Want to listen to what I have to say? Hmm, it seems that you have potential. As you continue fighting, you should be able to learn "techniques". Techniques are unique attack methods using your weapons. You will learn these only by your training. Focus on this daily. Ho, ho, ho. Zealous youngster! All right, a present from me. Use this to ready yourself with some equipment. |
Want my advice? You've got potential! You'll learn a number of "Techniques" as you progress! "Techniques" are magic attacks that also utilize your weapons. You'll acquire them with discipline. My, my! You're so enthusiastic! Use this to help you get started! |
300Gを手に入れた! | Got 300G! | A gift of 300 G! | ||
Advance warning: The following explaination of techinique effect ranges is mangled enough in the NA version to make it difficult to understand at times. |
よっしゃあ、俺様が技のこうかはんいを 教えてやる。 聞くか? |
Okay! I'll teach you about technique effect ranges. Listen? |
All right, I'll teach you about skills. Are you willing to learn? |
Scene change to a dull background in red with some borders. 1-12 戦い (Battle) plays, and some little blue goblins drop into the scene, in a line more or less facing Crono, who has his sword out. |
戦闘時の技には、様々な こうかはんいがある。 まずは、モンスターを中心に 広がるダメージだ。 たとえば、こいつを ターゲットしていしたときは…… |
For techniques used during battle, there are various effect ranges. First, damage that spreads out centered on a monster. For example, when this one's picked as the target.... |
During combat, the effect of each attack can vary. First, some of your attacks will damage more than one enemy. For example, target this critter... |
A pointer points at the top goblin, and a magenta circle expands around it far enough to reach the middle one but not the bottom one. |
このハンイにいるモンスター つまりこの場合は2ヒキに ダメージをあたえる事ができる。 だがな、こいつを ターゲットしていすると…… |
You can inflict damage to the monsters in this range, that is, two monsters in this case. But pick this one as the target, and.... |
...and your attack will hit another monster in the area. But if you target this one... |
The pointer moves to the center goblin, and a magenta circle of the same size appears, reaching all three goblins. |
このとおり、3ビキのモンスターに ダメージをあたえられる。 うまく使いな。 次に、自分から直線的に ダメージをあたえる場合。 |
As you can see, you can inflict damage on three monsters. Use it well. Next, the case where you inflict damage on a line from yourself. |
You can get all three at once! Use this fact to your advantage! Next, you can hit enemies in your direct line of sight. |
Two more goblins drop down, on a line from Crono through the bottom of the ones already present. |
これには2しゅるいのパターンがある。 1つめのパターンは…… |
There are two types of patterns to this. The first pattern is... |
There are two attack patterns. The first one... |
The pointer points at the farthest of the goblins lined up with Crono, and a yellow lines travels from Crono through all three and beyond. |
自分からまっすぐのびた直線上の モンスターこの場合は3ビキ全てに ダメージをあたえる。 |
You inflict damage on all monsters along a straight line from yourself, three in this case. |
...allows you to attack all the enemies oriented on a straight line from you. |
この場合は直線上のどのモンスターに カーソルをもっていってももんだいない。 |
In this case, no matter which monster along the line has the cursor, there's no problem. |
You may place the cursor on any one of them on the line. |
The cursor moves to the nearest of those three goblins, and the line again goes through all three of them and beyond. Actually, it usually does matter which monster this type of skill targets, since even though it hits everything on the line, the angle is rarely quite the same. |
もう1つのパターンの場合は…… 自分とモンスターをむすぶ直線上の 敵だけにダメージをあたえる。 |
When it's the other pattern.... You inflict damage only on the enemies on the line between you and the monster. |
The other pattern... ...allows you to hit only the enemies in a straight line between you and the target. |
The cursor again moves to the farthest goblin, and a yellow line appears from Crono, through the middle two, and up to but not past the far one. |
この場合は先ほどと同じく3ビキだが…… | This case, like before, is three monsters, but.... | As in the previous example, all 3 creatures are targetted here, but... |
The cursor moves to the near goblin, aand the yellow line extends only to it. |
この場合は1ピキになるから 気をつけろ。 次はターゲットしていしたモンスターを ジクにして、ヨコ方向のモンスター全てに ダメージをあたえる。 |
It's only one monster in this case, so be careful. Next up makes an anchor from the monster picked as the target and damages all the monsters crosswise from it. |
...select this one, and that's all you'll get! Next, use an enemy to establish a line, and any others on it will also be hit. |
Three of the goblins are now lined up horizontally. The cursor points at one, and a yellow line goes through all three and off both sides of the screen. |
この場合、ヨコならびなら…… | In this case, as long as they're in a horizontal line.... | They're lined up horizontally here... | ||
The cursor points at a different one of the lined-up goblins, and the yellow line again goes through all three and off both sides of the screen. |
どのモンスターにターゲットしていしても オーケーだ。 最後に自分を中心に ダメージをあたえるパターン。 |
It's okay no matter which monster you pick as the target. Finally, there's the pattern that inflicts damage with yourself at the center. |
...so you may target any of them. The final pattern puts you at the center of the attack zone. |
Again, it sometimes does matter which one you target, since the line may shift up or down somewhat. A magenta circle spreads out from Crono, but doesn't hit anything. |
まずこのように、はんい内にモンスターが いない場合は使えない。 |
First, when there are no monsters in range, like this, you can't use it. |
You can't use an attack like this if your enemies are outside of the zone. |
The goblins all jump in close to Crono, and the circle appears again, covering them all. |
はんい内にモンスターがいれば 自分を中心としたはんい内の全ての モンスターにダメージを あたえることができる。 |
If there are monsters in range, then you can inflict damage on all the monsters in a range centered on yourself. |
However, your attack will hit all enemies inside the active zone! |
The scene returns to the mayor's manor. |
ってところかな。 べんきょうになったろ? |
That's pretty much how it goes. Learned something, didn't you? |
That's about it. Feel more confident? |
LRを押し続けると戦闘から逃げる!! こいつも大事だ。 戦術的てったいとでも言おうかな。 けどよ、逃げてばっかじゃ弱いままで 強くなれないから気をつけな。 それから、もう1つ。メニューの説明だ。 武器マークのヨコの数字は攻撃力。 たてマークのヨコの数字は防御力。 防御力は、なぐりや物理攻撃を どれだけふせぐかあらわす。 魔法をふせぐのは『まほうぼうぎょ』。 これがたとえば40だったら 敵の魔法を40パーセントふせぐ。 それと数字が星マークになったら そのパラメーターは最高ということだ。 |
Hold L and R and you'll run from combat!! This's important too. I guess we'll call it a strategic retreat. But look, keep running away, and you'll stay weak and won't be able to get stronger, so be careful. And one more thing. Menu explaination. The number by the weapon mark is attack power. The number by the shield mark is defense power. Defense power indicates how well you defend against hits and physical attacks. It's "magic defense" that defends against magic. If, for example, that's 40, you'll cut enemy magic by 40 percent. Also, if a number becomes a star mark, it means that parameter is at maximum. |
Hold down the L and R buttons to escape from battle! Know when to run! But you need to fight to grow strong! Now, about the Equip menu... Numbers next to the Sword and Shield icons indicate Attack and Defense power. The higher the number, the greater the power. "M. Def." indicates your ability to block magic attacks. If it's 10, then magic damage will be reduced by 10%. A star after any characteristic means it's at maximum strength. |
The maximums for various attributes are level 99, 999 HP (still displays as a number), 99 MP (still displays as a number), 255 attack power (still displays as a number, and only one character can reach it), 255 defense power (still displays as a number, but 238 is the highest possible without cheating anyway), 99 power, 16 speed (use Speed Capsules to raise), 99 evasion (only two characters can reach 99, and only with an accessory), 99 hit (but 98 is the highest possible without cheating, even with accessories), 99 magic power, 99 stamina, and 99 magic defense. Note that because magic defense works as a precentage reduction, small differences in the amount near maximum value mean huge differences in damge taken. If an magic attack would inflict 12,000 damage to someone with no magic defense, one with 99 takes only 120 damage, but at 98 it's 240 damage, 360 at 97, etc. Maxing out magic defense is extremely useful. Defense actually works similarly, as damage is multiplied by 1 - (defense/256), but since you can't get as close to the maximum, the difference is less obvious. |
戦闘中に受けるダメージについて レクチャーしましょうか? モンスターの攻撃には特別なダメージを あたえてくるものがあるわ…… |
Shall I lecture about the damage you take during combat? Some monster attacks inflict special damage.... |
Want to learn about damage in battle? Some monsters have special attacks. |
Scene change to the lead character on a black background. Battle plays. The character is hunched over with purple bubbles around the head. |
毒 HPが少しずつへっていくの。 このじょうたいでは 攻撃力も落ちるわ。 |
Poison: |
Poison HP slowly decreases. Your attacks are weakened. |
The attack penalty from poison seems to be about 20%. The character now stands normally, but with a glowing white outline. |
スロウ スピードがおそくなって、次の攻撃に すばやくうつれなくなるわ。 |
Slow: |
Slow Increases the time between attacks. |
The character now falls on the ground, with little zZ snores. |
スリープ 眠ってしまって防御力が下がるの。 けど、攻撃を受けるとめざめるわ。 |
Sleep: |
Sleep Lowers your guard. A good hit will wake you up again! |
The character now stands, laughing insanely, with a star spinning overhead. |
こんらん 自分が何をしてるのか わからなくなってしまうの。 味方を攻撃したりね。 コワいわよ。 |
Confusion: |
Chaos Confuses you into attacking allies! A little tough on friendships! |
Confusion in this game isn't nearly as bad as in many others. Confused characters will attack at random, but will only use normal attacks, with a low hit rate and vastly reduced power. This minimizes the damage it can do, and means it won't waste any MP or items. The character stands normally, but has a symbol in front of the face that blinks between an eye and a big X. |
ブラインド 回りがよく見えなくなって モンスターに攻撃をあてにくくなるわ。 |
Blind: |
Blind You can't see too well... It's hard to hit enemies! |
The character now has a big ? overhead. |
ロック いっさいの技がつかえなくなるの。 |
Lock: |
Lock Can't use any "Techniques." |
The character now stops moving except shaking the head, with a stopwatch overhead. |
ストップ これは動きが止まって 何もできなくなるわ。 |
Stop: |
Stop Immobilizes and disables you. |
Scene change back to the mayor's house. |
これらのじょうたいの時は 防御力が落ちてダメージが大きくなるわ。 『ばんのうやく』などの体調回復アイテムで なおせるけど戦闘が終われば、アイテムを 使わなくても自然になおるのよ。 |
Your defense power drops and damage increases when you're in these conditions. You can cure them with status recovery items such as the "Panacea", but if combat ends, you get well naturally even without using items. |
In these situations your guard is down, and you'll sustain more damage. Use "Heal," or wait until the battle ends to heal automatically. |
モンスターの攻撃を受けて、HPが0に なると戦闘不能になっちゃうわ。 もちろん『アテナの水』とかのアイテムで 復活も出来るわよ。 けどね、みんなが戦闘不能になった時は 時のながれのわすれ物になっちゃうの…… 気をつけてね。 |
If your HP goes to 0 from taking monsters' attacks, you become incapacitated. Of course, you can revive too, with items like "Athena's Water". But when everyone is incapacitated, you'll be lost in the flow of time.... Be careful. |
When your HP hits 0, you'll be disabled. Use "Revive" to restore yourself, but if everyone goes down, you're through. Be careful! |
リーネ広場 | Leene Square | Leene Square | ||
The square is full of people, games, merchant booths, colorful decorations, and so on. 1-6 ガルディア王国千年祭 (Guardia Kingdom Millenial Festival) plays, as the festival is a celebration of Guardia Kingdom's 1000th anniversary. As he roams around trying to see everything, Crono runs into a girl who isn't looking where she's going either. She has long blonde hair in a ponytail, green eyes, and wears a white shirt and sweatpants. The collision knocks them both to the ground, and a pendant flies off to the side. The music halts as soon as they run into each other. |
少女「キャッ! いったー…… |
Girl: Kyah! |
GIRL: Hey!! Ouch, that hurt! |
She gets up slowly, brushing herself off. Leene's Bell, nearby, starts ringing on its own as she goes to check on Crono. |
少女「ゴ、ゴメンなさい! だいじょうぶ? |
Girl: I, I'm sorry! |
GIRL: I'm so sorry! Are you okay? |
Crono, as usual, doesn't say anything, but he gets up and nods. |
少女「ア、アラ? ペンダントが……。 た、大変! なくしちゃったのかしら? |
Girl: H, huh? |
GIRL: Uh oh... My pendant! Oh, no! Don't tell me I've lost it! |
Crono spots the pendant, picks it up, and takes it to her. |
少女「ありがとう!! そのペンダント私のよ。 古ぼけてるけどとっても大事な物なの。 返してくれる? |
Girl: Thanks!! |
GIRL: Oh thank goodness! My pendant! It has a lot of sentimental value! May I have it back? |
Crono can refuse, but nothing else happens until he gives it back to her. |
少女「私、お祭り見に来たんだ。 ねえ、あなたこの町の人でしょ? 一人じゃ面白くないもん。 いっしょに回ろうよ! いいでしょ? ね、ね? |
Girl: I came to see the festival. |
GIRL: I came to see the Festival! You...live in this town, don't you?! I feel a little out of place here. Would you mind if I walked around with you for a while? |
Crono can decline, but she'll just keep bugging him until he gives in. |
少女「そんなー! か弱い女のコを 助けると思って、お願いッ ![]() |
Girl: Oh, come on! Please, think of |
GIRL: Oh, come on! I don't know anyone around here! Please! |
The music resumes playing as soon as Crono agrees. |
少女「わーい、やったーッ! あ、名前言ってなかったね。 え、えーと私は…… |
Girl: Yaaay, all right! |
GIRL: You're a true gentleman! Oh, by the way... My name is, err... |
Time for the player to name her. I'm going with the default, as always, and that's マール (Marle) in this case. Marle is pronounced with the 'e' more or less like one of those schwa sounds that most dictionaries show as an upside-down 'e'. They're the unemphasized vowels that come out sounding like a weak 'uh', like the 'a' in 'about'. The correct pronunciation of her name is actually somewhat important later. |
マール「マールって言うの。 あなたは? クロノか、いい名前だね! よろしくね、クロノ! さ、早く行こう! | Marle: I'm Marle. |
GIRL: ...um, Marle! And you're? Crono? What a nice name! Pleased to meet you! Now, lead on! |
Crono and Marle head off together. |
There's a lot to see at the festival, but most of it's completely optional, so I'm marking this section with the colored border of alternate stuff. |
ルッカが開発した2足ほ行ロボット ゴンザレスと戦いたいかたはこの奥へ! 勝てばシルバーポイントもらえるよ!! |
Those who want to fight with Gonzales, the bipedal robot Lucca developed, head in here! You can get silver points if you win!! |
Keep going if you want to demo Lucca's robot battle trainer! Collect Silver points if you win! |
Gonzales is a large, red, vaguely humaniod robot that sort of resembles a cat. And he sings, too: 1-7 ゴンザレスのお (Gonzales's Song) |
あ~ ゴンザ~レス♪ オ~レは 強い♪ オ~レに勝ったら 15ポイント~!!♪ |
Ah~, Gonza~les♪ I~'m strong♪ If you beat m~e 15 poi~nts!!♪ |
They call me Gato♪ I have metal joints♪ Beat me up♪ And earn 15 Silver Points♪ |
I guess "Gato" because it's shorter and Spanish for "cat"? I can't say that the English version of the song isn't catchier, though. So they fight. Crono wields a katana, and Marle uses a crossbow. During this battle, and every other regular one, Battle plays. Like most battles, winning nets not just the experience points normally found in RPGs, but also わざポイント (tech points) needed to learn combat techniques, which is how the game collectively refers to skills and spells. With a few tech points, Crono and Marle start learning techniques, and even learn one that they do together (which is one of the Really Amesome Things about Chrono Trigger). But, after learning their second techniques, Crono and Marle both suddenly stop learning more, even though each has plenty of free space on their techniques list. More on that later.... As far as combat attributes go, Crono has better physical stats than magical and is quite fast, while Marle has better magical stats than physical. Crono's status screen has a golden 天 (Heavens/Sky) in the top corner, and Marle's has a blue 水 (Water). This means more later, but for now I'll just mention that each has a small innate resistance to and takes about 1/5 less damage than usual from attacks of the matching attribute. So anyway, they beat Gonzales. His song plays again for his litte ditty, then the usual music resumes. |
あ~んたは 強い♪ あ~んたは す~ごい♪ だ~から あげるよ 15ポイント~!!♪ |
You~'re strong♪ You~'re ama~zing♪ So~ I give you 15 poi~nts!!♪ |
I lost♪ You won♪ Here's 15 Points♪ Now wasn't that fun!?♪ |
Elsewhere, a little girl is crying... |
わーん! わたちのネコが……。 |
Waah! My cat.... |
Wahhh! Where's my cat?!! |
わたち (watachi) is either a cutesy kiddy version of わたし (watashi), or it's the Japanese equivalent of "miffing my two fwont teef"... Crono finds the cat across the square, and leads it back to the girl. |
わたちのネコちゃん、連れて来てくれて ありがとう。 |
Thanks for bringing me back my kitty. | You brought back my cat! Thank you! |
マール「クロノ、やっさしい! | Marle: Crono, you're so nice! | Marle: You're so sweet, Crono! | ||
Elsewhere, a kid talks history... |
エヘヘ、ボク知ってるよ。 何びゃく年か昔、魔王軍と すごい戦いがあったんだって。 もしその戦いに負けてたら 今こんなお祭りはなかったって うちのママが言ってたよ。 |
Eheheh, I know about it. I heard there was an awesome battle with Magus's army hundreds of years ago. My mom says if we'd lost that battle, there wouldn't be a festival like this now. |
What's the big deal? So what if we won a war against a Wizard hundreds of years ago! |
This is foreshadowing, though the NA version loses it entirely. Also note their different translation of 魔王 here, as opposed to "Magus" elsewhere. 魔王 (maou) is a tricky term to translate. As becomes clear later, it refers to a person. 魔 means "demon" or "magic", but in this case it's more likely a direct reference to 魔族 (mazoku). 魔族, in which 族 means "tribe" or "race", refers to a collection of mostly humanoid supernatural creatures. "Demons" is possibly the closest English can come, though 魔族 doesn't seem to have quite the same connotations. Getting back to 魔王, since 王 means "king", most likely it simply means King of the Demons. However, that's awfully cumbersome. I thought about "Warlock King" for a while, but that gets to be a pain too. Eventually, I just gave in and went with the NA rendition, "Magus". Just keep in mind that it's a title belonging to a position, and not actually a name. |
ここはリーネ広場。 リーネの鐘の音を聞けばしあわせに なれるって言い伝えがありまちゅ。 |
This is Leene Square. A legend says if you hear the sound of Leene's Bell, you'll live happily ever after. |
This is Leene Square. They say people who head Leene's Bell ring will have interesting and happy lives! |
Marle giggles. She seems to do that a lot. |
マール「しあわせ! クロノとこうしているの。 |
Marle: I'm happy! |
Marle: Crono... |
One intersting side bit in this game is seeing how Crono's mother reacts to the various party members... |
ジナ「あら、ルッカ以外の女の子を 連れて来るなんて、めずらしいわね。 お名前は? |
Gina: Oh my, how unusual for Crono to do a |
MOM: My, how nice! |
マール「はじめまして! マールです。 |
Marle: It's nice to meet you! |
Marle: Hi, I'm Marle! | ||
ジナ「えっ?マールさん? ……? どこかでお会いしてません? おかしいわね、気のせいかしら。 |
Gina: Hm? Marle-san? |
MOM: Eh?! Marle? |
More foreshadowing... |
Eventually, someone at the fair lets Crono know what else is going on. |
ルッカの発明がもう完成したよ。 広場をずうっと奥へ行った所だよ。 |
Lucca's invention's ready now. It's waaay in the back of the square. |
Lucca's device is all set up. She's at the north end of the square. |
So Crono goes to check it out. On the way there... |
マール「待って!! キャンディ買っていくわ! |
Marle: Wait up!! |
Marle: Hold your horses! I want to get some candy. |
Crono waits as she browses a candy booth. |
If Crono tries leaving while she's browsing, it doesn't go over well... |
マール「ちょっと待ってて 急がないでよ! |
Marle: Hold on a minute, don't rush! | Marle: Give me just a second! | ||
マール「人さらいってわけじゃ あるまいし。 そんなに腕を引っぱらないでよ! |
Marle: It's not like you're a kidnapper. |
Marle: There's no need to drag me by the arm like some kidnapper! |
Eventually, Marle picks something. |
マール「おばさん これちょうだい! |
Marle: Miss, this one please! | Marle: Hi! I'd like some of this. |
おばさん「あいよ。 | Woman: Gotcha. | LADY: Sure, young lady. | ||
Marle giggles and turns to Crono. |
マール「おまたせ! | Marle: Thanks for waiting! | Marle: Thanks for waiting! | ||
They now reach the north end of the square, where a small crowd faces a strange device with two large platforms that resemble sci-fi teleport pads. A man speaks to the crowd, while a girl who could only be Lucca tweaks the equipment. She's wearing an orange dress and large glasses, has teal eyes, and wears a shell-like hat that covers most of her purple hair. |
タバン「さあさあ、お時間と勇気のある方は お立会い! これこそ、せいきの大発明! 超次元物質転送マシン1号だ!! 早い話が こっちに乗っかると |
Taban: Come, come, those with the |
TABAN: Step right on up, any of you who have the time and the courage! Our "Super Dimension Warp" is the invention of the century! To use it, jump up here... |
Taban runs to the other pad. |
タバン「こっちに転送されるって 夢の様な装置だあ! こいつを発明したのが頭脳めいせき さいしょくけんびの、この俺の一人娘 ルッカだ! |
Taban: You're transferred to over here. |
TABAN: ...and you'll get teleported here! It's the masterwork of my beautiful daugheter, Lucca. |
At this, Lucca turns around and does a little victory dance, but no one looks interested in getting any closer to that bizarre contraption. Crono, being sympathetic and perhaps more brave than wise, decides to investigate. |
ルッカ「クロノ! 待ってたわよ! だーれも、このテレポッドの転送に ちょうせんしないんだもの。 こうなったら、あんたやってくれない? |
Lucca: Crono! |
Lucca: Crono! Where have you been!? No one wants to try the Telepod! How about you? |
マール「面白そう! やってみなよ。 私見ててあげる! |
Marle: It looks neat! |
Marle: It looks like fun! I'll watch while you try it out! |
ルッカ「左のポッドにのればいいのよ。 | Lucca: Just get on the left pod. | Lucca: Just hop onto the left pod! | ||
Crono gets on the pad, and Taban and Lucca take up positions by the controls. |
タバン「スイッチオン! | Taban: Switch on! | TABAN: All systems on! | ||
ルッカ「エネルギーじゅうてん開始! | Lucca: Engage energy charge! | Lucca: Begin energy transfer! | ||
Crono turns into a cloud of sparkles, which then floats to the other pad and turns back into Crono. |
一同「おおーッ!! グレイト!! |
Everyone: Ohhhh!! |
ALL: Oh wow. That was GREAT! |
The funniest thing about that line, IMO, is that "great" is in English, just written phonetically in katakana. |
タバン「本当にうまくいった!? めずらしい事も…… コ、コホン! いやいや、ルッカの発明だから 当然! すごいだろう! |
Taban: It really went well!? |
TABAN: It...WORKED!? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Uh, er, a thrilling display of science at its best, ladies and gentlemen! |
ルッカ「どう、おどろいた? 何だったらもう一度やる? |
Lucca: How was it, were you surprised? |
Lucca: So, how was it? Want to try it again? |
マール「面白そうね、私もやる! | Marle: It looks neat, I'll do it too! | Marle: What a kick! I want to try it, too! |
ルッカ「へ? ちょ、ちょっとクロノ あんたいつの間に、こんなカワイイ子 口説いたのよ。 |
Lucca: Huh? |
Lucca: Huh? Hey Crono, how did you pick up a cutie like her? |
マール「ね、いいでしょクロノ? ここで待ってて。 どこにも行っちゃやだよ! |
Marle: I can do it, right, Crono? |
Marle: Hang on, Crono! I'll be right there! |
行っちゃや is 行ってはいや run together. Basically the same as 行ってはいけない, but with いや ("DO NOT WANT") instead of いけない (must not do). |
タバン「さあさあ、ちょう戦するのは何と こんなにカワイらしい娘サンだ! ささ、どーぞこちらへ! |
Taban: Well, well, the challenger |
TABAN: Behold, ladies and gentlemen, as this vision of loveliness steps aboard the machine! |
マール「エヘヘ。 じゃ、ちょっと行ってくるね! |
Marle: Eheheh. |
Marle: Don't go away. I'll be right back! |
タバン「だいじょうぶかい? やめるんだったら今のうちだぜ。 |
Taban: Are you sure this is okay? |
TABAN: You're sure about this...? There's still time to change your mind! |
マール「へっちゃらだよ! 全然こわくなんかないもん。 |
Marle: No problem! |
Marle: No way! Throw the switch! |
She steps onto the left platform. Ominously, the music fades to silence. |
タバン「それでは みなさん! このカワイイ娘サンが見事 消えましたら、はくしゅかっさい。 スイッチオン! |
Taban: Well then, everyone! |
TABAN: Okay, everyone, let's give her a great big hand when she reappears! All systems on! |
ルッカ「エネルギーじゅうてん開始! | Lucca: Engage energy charge! | Lucca: Begin energy transfer! | ||
As the machine powers up, 1-8 不思議な出来事 (Strange Happening) begins playing, and a light begins to shine from somewhere around Marle's chest... |
マール「何これ? ペンダントが……。 |
Marle: What's this? |
Marle: What's happening? My pendant...it's... |
Electricity suddenly arcs from the machine, driving Lucca and Taban away from the controls. |
ルッカ「えッ!? | Lucca: Huh!? | Lucca: Huh? | ||
Between the pads, some kind of rift in space opens. Instead of reappearing on the right pad, Marle materializes in the middle of the distortion. Her pendant drops to the ground, and the rift closes, leaving no sign of either Marle or itself. |
タバン「おい、ルッカ 出て来ねーぞ? ハ、ハイ! ごらんの通り影も形も ありません! こ、これにてオシマイ!! |
Taban: Hey, Lucca, she's |
TABAN: Lucca! Where is she?! Show's over, folks! Let's head along now! |
Everyone leaves except Crono, Lucca, and Taban. |
タバン「おい、ルッカ! 一体どうなってんだ? あのコはどうしちまったんだ!? |
Taban: Hey, Lucca! |
TABAN: What's going on Lucca? WHERE IS SHE? |
ルッカ「あのコは消え方 テレポッドの転送の消え方じゃない。 あの空間のゆがみ方…… ペンダントが反応していたようにも… もっと別の……何かが……。 |
Lucca: The way that girl vanished isn't how |
Lucca: The way she disappeared... It couldn't have been the Telepod! The warp field seemed to be affected by her pendant... |
タバン「どうしたらいいんだい? 助けることは? |
Taban: What should we do? |
TABAN: What are we going to do now? | ||
ルッカ「あのコは…… ……んっ? そういえばあのコ どこかで見たことがあるような? |
Lucca: That girl.... |
Lucca: She's so familiar! I KNOW I've seen her somewhere... |
Crono, wanting to do something, probably feeling responsible, and again more bold than sensible, picks up the pendant and heads for the Telepad.... Crono's heroic theme, 1-2 クロノ・トリガー (Chrono Trigger) plays. |
ルッカ「クロノ! | Lucca: Crono! | Lucca: Crono! | ||
タバン「おーッ! 後を追うってのかクロノ。 さすがは男だぜ! |
Taban: Oh! |
TABAN: You're actually going to do it?! What a fine lad! |
ルッカ「そうね! あの空間の先に何があるのかわからない けど、それ以外に方法はなさそうね。 |
Lucca: That's it! |
Lucca: Listen! I don't know where this machine is going to send you, but we haven't any other choice. |
タバン「でも、都合よくまた あなが現れるとはかぎらないぜ。 |
Taban: But the hole won't necessarily |
TABAN: Won't they both be lost? | ||
Big change in meaning. In the JP version, he's questioning whether they can get the distortion to appear at all. The problem of getting anyone back hasn't even come up yet. |
ルッカ「やってみるかちはあるわ! きっとペンダントがキーに なってるのよ! クロノ! しっかりそれをにぎってて きっと同じ事起こるはずよ! |
Lucca: It's worth trying! |
Lucca: This is our only hope! That pendant seems to be the key, so hang on to it Crono, and brace yourself! |
Lucca is being optimistic in the JP version. The NA version make it sound more like she's desperate and panicking. |
タバン「スイッチオン! | Taban: Switch on! | TABAN: All systems on! | ||
ルッカ「エネルギーじゅうてん開始! もっと出力をあげて!! |
Lucca: Engage energy charge! |
Lucca: Begin energy transfer! Power to full! |
タバン「あいさ!! | Taban: Gotcha!! | TABAN: Roger! | ||
ルッカ「もっと!もっと! | Lucca: More! More! | Lucca: More! Give me more power! |
タバン「あいさ!! | Taban: Gotcha!! | TABAN: Roger! | ||
The machine begins to spark, just like before. |
ルッカ「ビンゴ!! うまくいきそうよ!! |
Lucca: Bingo!! |
Lucca: There! We did it! |
As expected, space distorts and Crono is thrown into the middle of it. |
ルッカ「私も原因を究明したら 後を追うわ! たのんだわよ、クロノ! |
Lucca: Once I investigate the cause, |
Lucca: I'll follow you after I know what went wrong. Good luck, Crono! |
The rift closes, sending Crono on a brief trip through the distortion. Another rift on the other side opens into.... |
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