Top signature gatherer Maguschild has put together a summary of how she has achieved such success in gathering signatures.
Check out her tips below and take them to heart. This could help you become a top signature gatherer, too!
See also tips from Committee member Spencer (aka CTCronoboy) on the main petition page!
Well, as Wayne asked me to, I'm going to give the "secrets" to my success in getting signatures for the petition. My name is Jenny, aka Maguschild on Operation Ultimate Victory.
First off, I mainly target friends, acquaintances, and family. I must say that I hardly touch the petition statement unless asked to see it. I find that success depends on simplicity.
As such, many people I target are parents and people my own age. The idea I bring to their attention seems to spark their interest. As they are my main target, what I say is: "We are trying to make video games into novels so that kids will spend less time glued to the TV and more time reading." This seems to gain something in the parents; they usually always sign. As a matter of fact, out of nearly 75 successful tries, only 3 people have declined, no jokes.
Although I admit, 18 signatures were not my work, but my good friend Jeff at a local pawn shop that took a sheet and got people to sign. It seems like parents endorse this project, so I think they're good people to ask though they know nothing of Chrono Trigger as such. I usually tell people, when they ask, that we are starting with a game called Chrono Trigger but that we will be moving on to other projects if Square-Enix accepts our offer. I say it will be opening up a whole new horizon, as Wayne suggests in his statement.
I've found, at least with my brother, that people don't want to know all the legal jargon and details and they're more likely to sign if it is kept more simple. I owe my personal success to the simplicity, to the broader sense of the CTNP's goals.
I hope that this will encourage many others to greater efforts. Wayne and I can't do this alone!
Jenny "Maguschild"
CT Novelist:
Many thanks for the great words of advice from Maguschild!
For the record (and keep this in mind when mentioning it to people), I have not officially decided to personally pursue further projects once the CTNP is complete. However, I do keep it open as a possibility in the aftermath of success with Chrono Trigger, most likely in a continuation of the Chrono series.
I particularly like Maguschild's approach because, as she put it, it focuses on the "broader sense" of the CTNP's goals: to bring the worlds of literature and gaming together in a way that fans of both can enjoy. This is the more humanitarian side of the CTNP, the side that goes beyond just trying to immortalize the amazing story of Chrono Trigger itself...and that's something that people should know about.