Welcome to the Fan Art Submissions page! This page is just a starter to familiarize you with the way that submissions will be handled for this site. In the creation of this section, it's my hope to make it as easy to find the kinds of images that you want to see as possible. For detailed information on submitting content, see this page.
Submissions for FAN ART should go to fansubmit@chronotrigger.info.
Sections:Artist/Submitter | Title | Description | Thumbnail |
Miqe Eskridge | Colored Crono | Fully colored Crono drawing with background and ChronoTrigger.info promotion. | |
Joshua Miller | Chrono Intro | Crono image with Magus in the background. | |
Sergeant Phoenix | Black Wind (Unofficial Title) | This collage includes images of several of the main characters with Janus and features the phrase “One among you…will shortly perish.” | |
User240485/AA | Another Crono | Another nice Crono drawing, this time in penciled color. | |
Luis Beraza | Yet Another Crono | An excellent Crono drawing, which features fitting filter effects, such as a sunlight refraction effect passing Crono's sword. The classic poses may be getting a bit old, though. | |
Luis Beraza | Magus Walking Forward | Magus holding his scythe, walking forward. This is a new way of looking at Magus, not yet seen in other pictures online. | |
Luis Beraza | The Chrono Trigger Crew | The main cast of the 7 Chrono Trigger characters, each “doing their thing” for the picture. Unique artwork, which displays each character's talents, earns this one a 10 from me. Check it out! | |
Luis Beraza | Ayla | Luis is back, bringing with him a new pose for Ayla. This reminds me of how Ayla runs (“on all fours,” as the phrase goes). If you're an Ayla fan, you'll want to add this to your collection. | |
Michael Jordan | Chrono Collection | Michael Jordan has submitted a collage of Chrono Trigger sprites. Michael has submitted the following description with the image: “(1) Chrono referees the long awaited brawl between Frog and Magus. (2) Obvious enough the Epoch flying over the Black Omen (3) Here Crono is supposed to be complimenting and flattering Marle and Marle is emabarrassed/flattered. (4) The royal family of Guardia:King Queen and Princess (5) The three Gurus:Melchior, Gaspar, and Belthasar (6) Lucca and Robo & Ayla and Kino (supposed to be holding hands or at least look like it.) (7) Frog standing before the statue of Magus, hand on his sword, knowing that he willingly draws his sword against Magus and what he stands for. (8) A crazed Queen Zeal overpowers Schala and Magus stands up to her for Schala and for a chance to get at Lavos. Lavos' pic is one of two things: 1. literally there or 2. symbolically as the influence he has over Queen Zeal.” |
Joe Sammons | Crono | Joe, here, has submitted another Crono portrait. This one's hand-drawn on paper, and that's a rare thing for fan art these days. This is one of two current submissions like this, at this point. Also, be sure to check out his dog tag in the “Misc” section of the Fan Art area! | |
Luis Beraza | Marle | Wow! Luis never ceases to amaze. And he describes these as “old” pictures! | |
Luis Beraza | Alfador | “Alfador only likes me.” | |
Jean-Michel Genest | Tragedy | Another one of our own has submitted artwork. The author of this submission has sent the following description: “The fall of Zeal destroyed a family… Janus, Schala… Both got seperated so soon in their life yet hoped so much to see each other someday. This picture represents the eternal bound linking the children of Zeal. On the top of it is Lavos, the One. His presence here and the maelstrom surrounding him depict the influence that Lavos had on Schala and Janus. The presence of Magus and Guile (who is by my thoughts, another version of Janus) represents the paradox between the two dimensions in which Janus and Schala existed… a paradox in which both Janus wish to find back Schala who is lying before them, among the lost kingdom…” There are two versions of this submission: the original, which has less color around Schala; and a PSP'd version, which contains more purple.” |
Wendalin | Schala, Light of Zeal | Newcomer Wendalin has submitted a nicely done Schala picture. Maybe there will be more in the future…? | |
Bradyn | Unknown | Bradyn, here, has submitted another collage to us. He doesn't have a description for it, and neither do we. Maybe you do? | |
Niza Niabock | Another Ayla | Why is Ayla so popular? Is it the whole cat-woman thing? Anyway, newcomer Niza Niabock (if that's his/her real name) has submitted two more Ayla pictures. It is, I must say, with regret that it took me 6 days to get these up. (They were submitted on December 7th, 2004). Unfortunately, at the time, I'm being pressed with finals, so that slows things down drastically. But, they're here now, so enjoy! | |
Niza Niabock | Mmhmm, Another Ayla | The second Ayla attached to the submission. The original filename was “aylachibi,” so it's possible that this one was done by a friend of Niza's. (Or not?) At any rate, Niza sent only this along with the pictures: “Well, I found this page just today and let me say... OMG, just *loved* it A Chrono Trigger novel is what I've been wanting since I started the game I *love* reading and *love* Chrono, so the idea of a novel was the best thing I've heard about in centuries. I already read all the demo chapters and I still need more! If the books is sometime sell, I'll buy it without even thinking about it. Huh, I think I talk too much and what I wanted was just to submit some FanArt Well, that and to congratulate you for your awesome page! Keep going!! n_n - Niza Niabock” Thanks Niza! :-D |
Vincent | French-Flare Magus | Finally, someone who has taken my name has submitted fan art. This person is French, so it was slightly difficult to communicate with him, but I have succeeded nevertheless. The artist, who is a true fanatic, has no descriptions for these images, so I will try my best to describe them, and leave them with a comment: These are certainly unique submissions, and worthy of space here on ChronoTrigger.Info. This one is a nice close-up of Magus, arms folded, standing next to the moon. |
Vincent | Magus Portrait | This one is a portrait of Magus's head. The colors, probably done using colored pencils, add a nice “hand-made” look to the picture, which could otherwise possibly be mistaken for being computer-generated. This appears like a colored version of a sketch which animation artists would use in creating a movie, or a cartoon. | |
Vincent | Crono w/ Fire Sword | Here's a GREAT one of Crono, using what appears to be the Fire Sword technique skill. This'd be nice as a wallpaper, perhaps. | |
Vincent | Crono and Frog | Crono-plus-Frog scene fans will get a kick out of this one. Here, it appears that Crono has taken the Masamune from Frog, and Frog jumps, anxiously trying to get it back before Crono hurts someone. | |
Kev Godzicki | Crono Sketch | Here's a very good sketch of Crono in his trademark pose. Indeed, a true classic never dies. | |
Evan Sisson | Frog — 3D! | It had to happen someday…: Frog has been transformed into three dimensions. Feast your eyes upon the power of 3D modeling, and behold! :-D Will there be another? Who knows! Find out first, by going to Kevin's DeviantArt page. (Note: This is an external link. It has been linked at the author's request. Please support the author, but note that ChronoTrigger.Info and the CTNP do not endorse private works, and do not maintain this content.) | |
Serge the Whatnot | RD: The Unstealable Treasure | Intro art to an endeavor by Serge the Whatnot called Radical Dreamers: The Unstealable Treasure. | |
Sergeant Phoenix | Death Peak Summit | A beautifully original painting of the famous Death Peak summit. | |
Magus Child | Magus Chibi | Magus drawn Chibi-style using paper and crayons, as noted by the author. | |
Magus Child | Magus in Action, Colored | This one depicts Magus in battle, holding his scythe and using magic--drawn using paper and crayons for coloring. | |
Magus Child | Magus and Lightning 2 | Paper and crayon creation of Magus as he is just about to cast Lightning 2. | |
Magus Child | Magus & Kid | Emotional drawing of Magus with Kid on his mind (notice Alfador by his leg), drawn using paper and crayons. | |
Magus Child | Happy Crono | Gleeful picture of Crono speaking, also drawn using paper and crayons. | |
Kendrix | A Charitable Zeal | New artist Kendrix submitted this description with his work: “The Queen Zeal is showe in her normal facet, the one before Lavos traped her.” |
Kendrix | Zeal Fate | This description followed from the artist: “Now that Lavos is under the control of the Queen Zeal, the history is about to change, the destiny of the kingdom is at stake, Lavos and the Mammon Machine, just 7 fearless warrior can stop this.” |
MetroidLarvae | Chrono Trigger (no alternate title) | This description was recently added by the artist: “Heard about this site on G4 tv and thought I would check it out. I'm very excited about the novel and can't wait till the petition goes through. Anyways, here is a collage of the Chrono Trigger characters. Videogame art is my favorite genre and I like to draw collages of my favorite games. Thank you Square for creating this game. Waiting for the next!” |
cupnoodles | Schala Sitting | This description was received: “she's suppose to be sitting (slightly arched forward with her shoulders bent forward), but i was too lazy to draw a chair lol xD” |
Magus Child | Sleepy | Three prominent figures from Chrono Trigger, Glenn, Crono, and Magus, sleep soundly after a hard day of adventuring. | |
Magus Child | Two Antiheroes | Magus and Lloyd from Legend of Dragoon, standing together and getting along just fine, for now.... | |
Magus Child | Magus with Snake Scythe | Magus standing before a cracking purple backdrop and holding a snakelike scythe | |
Magus Child | Remake Magus | Magus is coming to his feet in the heat of battle, preparing to cast magic at his opponents. | |
Magus Child | My Chrono Trigger Party | A drawing of Magus Child's favorite CT party, in color as well as black and white. | |
John Doe | CT Collage | "John Doe" has provided a hand-drawn collage of the Chrono Trigger cast, converted to bitmap form. | |
Magus Child | Wizard Fighters | An eclectic group of wizard fighters: CT character Magus, FFIX character Kuja, and Lunar character Ghaleon | |
Magus Child | Crono Reading | In this image also featured on MagusChild's CTNP handbag, Crono appears deeply immersed into what must be a terrific book. I wonder what he could be reading? | |
Koski-chan | Death of a Tyrant | Warning to Magus fans: This is a graphic portrayal of Magus being slain by sword. | |
Magus Child | My Chrono Trigger Party 2 | This is an updated version of the previous drawing above, featuring MagusChild's favorite CT party. | |
Magus Child | Bone Snake Scythe | Here Magus sports a new scythe of snake bone. | |
Magus Child | I've Lost Everything | An emotional depiction of Magus, a tear falling as he strokes Alfador. | |
Magus Child | Magus Strike | A battle-worn Magus strikes out with his scythe. | |
Magus Child | Bishi Group | In order: Dark Link (Zelda: Four Swords), Kuja (FFIX), Magus, and her "fursona," Antigra (Pokemon) | |
Magus Child | Brothers in Arms | Magus and Glenn share a tender moment | |
Magus Child | North Cape Sunset | An emotional reflection by Magus atop the North Cape. | |
Magus Child | Rescue | Magus rescues Schala and carries her to safety | |
Magus Child | Doujinshi Stationery, CT Cast | Print off this stationery and have the coolest place to take notes of anyone! The first features Glenn, Ayla, Crono, and Magus. The second is a color version of the drawing used on the CTNP t-shirt Fan Craft submission and includes all of the major characters (both Frog and Glenn). | |
Magus Child | A Night At Crono's | Magus and Frog (and the cats) appear to get along just fine while stopping for the night at Crono's house. | |
Magus Child | Chibi Lucca | A gleeful Lucca has been drawn using the "chibi" art style. | |
Magus Child | Laid Back Magus | A nice side portrait of Magus, resting his scythe casually upon his shoulder. | |
Magus Child | Magus Zeal Kuja Tribal | Magus and Kuja (FFIX) are featured in this portrait | |
Danny Poloskei | Crono Leaping Into Battle | This picture of Crono in action was drawn at work (on break of course) using a Nintendo DS. | |
Magus Child | Zeal Family Values | A collage of things, places, and faces significant to Magus. | |
Magus Child | Magus, Janus, Zeal | Magus and Janus (Alfador in hand) stand in the front with the floating islands of Zeal in the background | |
Danny Poloskei | Pre-Battle Crono | A drawing of Crono preparing for battle done using the Nintendo DS. [Video of painting] | |
Danny Poloskei | Pre-Battle Glenn | A drawing of Frog (Glenn) preparing for battle done using the Nintendo DS. [Video of painting] | |
Magus Child | Magus the Fiendlord Chibi | A rather devious looking Magus in chibi-style art form. | |
Magus Child | Magus Father Grave | This rarely-attempted perception of Magus shows him standing before the grave of his father, contemplating the difficulties which have faced their family. If you're curious what Zurvan is (like I was), check here. | |
Magus Child | Magus Little Chibi | A depiction of a younger Magus, drawn chibi style. | |
Magus Child | Magus As A Cat | If Magus were an animagus and could turn into a cat, this is what he would look like. | |
Magus Child | Magus and Glenn Boy | Magus and Glenn side by side |
Artist/Submitter | Title | Description | Thumbnail |
Serge the Whatnot | Spinning Frozen Flame | Flash animation of the Frozen Flame |
Artist/Submitter | Title | Description | Thumbnail |
Puiu-Cernea Mihai-Georgian | To Far Away Times | A purely PaintShop'd image featuring a twist on the classic CT analog clock with roman numerals. It includes the names of several other related games and characters, swirling in a dimensional vortex. The 800x600 resolution is perfect for use as a desktop wallpaper. Apologies to Puiu-Cernea for not listing his/her contact information with the submission initially. (I had multiple submissions I was reviewing, and must have confused it with another while I was editing the HTML) |
Misc. |
Artist/Submitter | Title | Description | Thumbnail |
Joe Sammons | Crono Dog-Tag | Joe Sammons has sent us the first CT-related fan submission which cannot be easily categorized, that we have gotten to-date. It's a well-done dog tag for Crono. I guess that means he needs to be kept on a chain, or he'll cause wide-spread destruction, eh? Who knows? Enjoy. | |
Joe Sammons | Crono Tattoo | In yet another unusual submission from Joe, here we have an actual Crono tattoo. Now there's a fan for ya. | |
Joe Sammons | Magus Tattoo | Apparently, Joe needed to balance out Crono. | |
Joe Sammons | Chrono Trigger Watch | Well, his fandom just wouldn't be complete without this, now would it? | |
Magus Child | CTNP Handbag | Sporting the first in the CTNP line of personal accessory products is this nifty handbag featuring MagusChild's fan art depiction of Crono reading by a tree. |