Miscellaneous terms and attempted translations from...

Chrono Trigger

Think of this as the Big Repository of Terminology. Also names. The primary purpose of this chart is to aid consistency in the retranslation, but it may also be interesting for itself. Check the item table for anything that shows up in inventory, the location table for locations, and the enemy table for anything you fight.

The NA version is sometimes inconsistent, so I've tried to list the most common term or terms in that column. Underscores are wildcards for whatever makes sense.

Terms are in standard Japanese sort order.

Warning: May contain spoilers

JP version KWhazit version NA version Comments (if any)
Characters, B.C. 65 million
エイラ Ayla Ayla

default name

エイラ達 Aylas We (if Ayla's speaking), etc.

More literally, "Ayla and the others" or "the group containing Ayla", with the primitive speech a good excuse to use incorrect English that's easy to understand. name + 'tachi' is very common in Japanese but has no good English equivalent.

Woman Woman

Ayla before she's named

キーノ Kino Kino
クロ Cro Crono

Assuming default name. In the Japanese version, Ayla calls Crono by the first two characters in his name.

クロ達 Cros Crono, you, etc.

Same idea as エイラ達.

サル monkey ape

The Reptite/Dinomen name for humans. Could be either "ape" or "monkey". I just think "monkey" sounds better.

長老 Elder Old Man
見張り Lookout Guard
牢番 Jailer Jailer

Other, B.C. 65 million
岩石クラッシュ Rock Crash soup
大地のおきて Law of the Earth (varies)
プテラン Pteran Dactyl

Characters, B.C. 12,000
アルファド Alphard Alfador

Hydra's brightest star, from Arabic meaning "solitary one".

命の賢者 Philosopher of Life Guru of Life, Melchior
サラ Sara Schala
サラ様 Sara-sama Schala
三賢者様 Three Philosophers (three) Gurus
ジール女王 Queen Zeal Queen Zeal
ジャキ Jyaki Janus
ジャキ様 Jyaki-sama Janus
少年 Boy Boy

Janus/Jyaki before his name appears

女王 Queen Queen

女王 refers specifically to a ruling queen.

長老 Elder Elder
時の賢者 Philosopher of Time Guru of Time
ドリーン Doreen Doreen

almost-not-quite "dream"

なげきの山 Grief Mountain Mountain of Woe
兵士 Soldier Soldier
予言者 Prophet Prophet
理の賢者 Philosopher of Reason Guru of Reason

Other, B.C. 12,000
アルゲティ Algetty Algetty
ゴーレム・シスターズ Golem Sisters GolemTwins
ジール王国 Zeal Kingdom Zeal Kingdom
スカイ・ダルトン・ギョクーザ Sky Dalton Throne Aero-Dalton Imperial
太陽神殿 Sun Temple Sun Keep
地の民 People of the Earth Earthbound Ones
天の道 Sky Road Skyway
ドロクイの巣 Mud-Eater den Beast's nest
光の民 People of the Light Enlightened Ones

Characters, A.D. 600
King King
王様 King King

same as above but more respectful

おかみさん Wife Maid

the cook's wife

王妃 Queen Queen
王妃様 Queen Queen

same as above but more respectful

カエル Frog Frog

Also sounds like a verb for "transform", and a few other words.

ガルディア王 King Guardia King Guardia
ガルディア王21世 King Guardia XX! King Guardia XXI
騎士団長 Knight Captain Knight Captain
空魔士マヨネー the Void Mage Mayonnay the magician Flea

マヨネー (MAYONEE) isn't quite "mayonnaise", which would be マヨネーズ (MAYONEEZU).

グラン Gran Masa
グレン Glenn Glenn
外法剣士ソイソー the Dark Arts Swordsman Soysaw the swordsman Slash, Sir Slush

Two dictionary entries might apply to 外法: one is a Buddhist term for heresy, the other is a sort of demonic arts linked to tengu or using skulls. Credit goes to J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter books for giving me the idea to use "dark arts".

Also, ソイソー (SOI SOO) isn't quite soy sauce, which would be ソイソース (SOISOOSU), or more often 醤油 (shouyu). Soyso is closer to a standard Romanization, but the English phonetics don't quite work out with that spelling.

ゴールデンフロッグ Golden Frog Frog King
子供 Child Child

Mune/Leon before his name appears

サイラス Cyrus Cyrus
少年 Boy Boy

the would-be hero

村長 Chief Headman

literally village leader

タータ Tarta Tata

タータ (TAATA) isn't quite tartar, which would be タルタル (TARUTARU) when referring to the sauce.

タータの父 Tarta's Father Tata's Father
大工みならい apprentice carpenters Trainees
大臣 Chancellor Chancellor
トマ Toma Toma
ビネガー Vinnegar Ozzie

Unlike the other condiment names, this one really is vinegar... but it would normally be 酢 (su) in Japanese, so it's still odd.

フィオナ Fiona Fiona
兵士 Soldier Soldier
本物の大臣 Real Chancellor Real Chancellor
魔王 Magus Magus

This is a title, not a name, and means roughly "Demon King".

マルコ Marco Marco
めし使い Servant Attendant
勇者 Hero Hero
勇者様 Hero Hero

same as above but more respectful

リーネ Leene Leene
リーネ王妃 Queen Leene Queen Leene
リーネ王妃様 Queen Leene-sama Queen Leene
リーネ様 Leene-sama Queen Leene
リオン Leon Mune
料理長 Head Cook Chef

Other, A.D. 600
王国騎士団 Royal Knights Knights of the Square Table
ガルディア王国騎士団 Guardia Royal Knights Knights of the Square Table
騎士団 Knights Knights

proper noun, always capitalize

虹色の貝がら Rainbow-Color Shell Rainbow Shell
ニルヴァーナ・スラーッシュ Nirvana Slash Nirvana Strike
魔王軍 Magus's army Magus's army, Magus's troops

Characters, A.D. 1000
エレイン Elaine Elaine
King King
王様 King King

same as above but more respectful

ガルディア王 King Guardia King Guardia
ガルディア王33世 King Guardia XXXIII King Guardia XXXIII
クロノ Crono Crono

default name

裁判長 Presiding Judge Judge
ジナ Gina Mom

Yes, she has a name.

少女 Girl Girl

Marle before she's named. I had initially used "young woman", but if 少年 is "boy" (for Tata/Tarta and Jyaki/Janus), then 少女 should be "girl", and besides, it's shorter.

所長 Warden Supervisor

the guy who runs the prison

タバン Taban Taban
大臣 Chancellor Chancellor
ノルシュテイン・ベッケラー Norstein Bekkeler Norstein Bekkler
バンドー Bandor Bandeau

Could be Bandeau, if 'eau' is pronounced like a long 'o'. I'm not much good with French... that is French, isn't it?

ピエール Pierre Pierre
ビネガー8世 Vinnegar VIII Ozzie VIII

Unlike the other condiment names, this one really is vinegar... but it would normally be 酢 (su) in Japanese, so it's still odd.

Is there any significance to him being only the 8th, when Guardia went from 21st to 33rd and Yakra from 1st to 13th (five more generations each) over the same 400 years?

フリッツ Fritz Fritz
兵士 Soldier Soldier
ボッシュ Bosch Melchior
マール Marle Marle

default name

マールディア王女 Princess Marledia Princess Nadia

Assuming default name. In the Japanese version, her full name is the name you give her (with any characters past the third dropped) plus 'dia'. If you have odd tastes in naming, her name could even be Cronodia (though not if you keep Crono as Crono... at least not if both are katakana).

マールディア王女様 Princess Marledia-sama Princess Nadia
マールディア様 Marledia-sama Princess Nadia
ララ Lara Lara

It's "LALA" to stop the machine in the JP version, but that's not much of a name.

ルッカ Lucca Lucca

default name

Other, A.D. 1000
お祭り festival fair (?)
ガルディア王国開発部より Guardia Kingdom Development Dept. Guardia R & D
建国千年のお祭り National Foundation Millenial Festival Millenial Fair
超次元物質転送マシン1号 Ultra Dimensional Matter-
Transfer Machine #1
Super Dimension Warp
使いすてドッカンばくはつピスト Disposable Burst Blast Pistol Zonker-38
テレポッド Telepod Telepod
リーネの鐘 Leene's Bell Leene's Bell

Characters, A.D. 2300
アトロポス Atropos Atropos
アニキ Boss The Man
R6_ーY R6_-Y R6_-Y
おやぶん Boss Boss
ガッシュ Gasch Belthasar
こぶん Lackey Underling
ジョニー Johnny Johnny
ドン Don Doan
なぞの物体 Enigmatic Object Strange Creature
みはり Lookout Guard
老人 Old Man Old Man
ロボ Robo Robo

default name

ロボット Robot Robot

Robo before naming, also generic robots.

Other, A.D. 2300
エナ・ボックス EnerBox Enertron
ジェットバイク Jet Bike Jet Bike
種子 seeds seed
ラヴォスの日 Day of Lavos Day of Lavos

Characters, Beyond Time
セクシーなネーちゃん sexy babe sweetheart

Spekkio's description of Ayla

戦の神 God of war Master of War
ツンツン頭 pointy head punk hairdo, etc.

Spekkio's description of Crono

デッカい人形 hugeass doll the biggest toy I've ever seen

Spekkio's description of Robo

どエラいヤツ really something else a marlin

Spekkio's description of Magus

ハッシュ Hasch Gaspar
ポニーテールのギャル ponytailed girl the one with the ponytail

Spekkio's description of Marle

またヘンなの another weird one weird fellow

Spekkio's description of Frog

メガネのネーちゃん glasses chick the one with goofy glasses

Spekkio's description of Lucca

老人 Old Man Old Man

katana sword

Crono's weapon

けんじゅう gun gun


ゆみ bow bow


Status Effects
こんらん Confusion chaos
ストップ Stop stop
スリープ Sleep sleep
スロウ Slow slow
戦闘不能 Incapacitation disabled (usually reworded out)
Poison poison
ブラインド Blind blind
ロック Lock lock

Eras (as shown in saves)
??? ? ? ? ???
現代 Present Present
中世 Middle Ages Middle Ages
近未来 Near Future Future
原始 Primeval Pre-historic
古代 Ancient Era Dark Ages
黒の夢あ Black Dream Black Omen
最果て Farthest Reaches End of Time

(...of time)

Special Terms, General
王国暦___年 Royal Year ___ year ___

The reference point for dates is the founding of Guardia Kingdom, hence Royal Year and not just year. It's like how some countries date things by the current ruler or ruling family.

恐竜人 Dinomen Reptites

literally dinosaur-person

黒い風 the black wind the black wind
クロノ・トリガー the Chrono Trigger the Chrono Trigger
ゲート Gate Gate
sake (rice wine, or alcohol in general) pop (Toma), soup (Ayla), etc.
時代 era (?)
シルバード Sylbird Epoch
精神エネルギー spiritual energy (varies)
大地 (the) earth (varies)

often used in a way that seems like it's a special term

Sky lightning

Crono's element

時をわたる翼 Wings that Cross Time Wings of Time
仲間 teammate
(by default, varied as appropriate)

It's not quite the same as either "ally" or "friend". "Comrade" is perhaps close, but that sounds too much like Soviet Russia.

人間型 humanoid humanoid

used several times to describe Robo

Fire fire

Lucca's element

魔族 Demon Mystic

...more or less.

魔法 magic magic
魔物 monster beast / monster
魔力 magical power (varies)
Water water

Marle and Frog's element

Dark shadow

Magus's element

紋章 crest crest

the term is also used for a coat of arms

ヤツ IT him, etc.

how Magus generally refers to Lavos

technique (tech for short) technique / tech
わざポイント tech points tech points

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